Check Certificate UIs

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We are going to check the following:

  1. You can create a proxy using your certificate, which means it is registered to the VO
  2. [CMS only] We can extract your username from siteDB based on your certificate.
  3. You have write access to the T2_BE_IIHE

All the commands below need to be executed on an UI (mX machine). This requires your certificate is correctly installed there ( check here for all the steps, although it should already have been done).

1. Checking you can get a proxy with your certificate

voms-proxy-init --voms cms|icecube|beapps

should give you

Enter GRID pass phrase for this identity:
Contacting [/DC=org/DC=terena/DC=tcs/C=BE/ST=Brussels/L=Brussels/O=Le reseau telematique belge de la recherche/] "beapps"...
Remote VOMS server contacted succesfully.

Created proxy in /tmp/x509up_u20522.

Your proxy is valid until Wed Nov 09 01:47:29 CET 2016

if not, then first check with the error message if you can't fix it (check -again- all the steps to install the p12 on the UIs have been followed), or send us a mail with the content of the error message.

[For CMS only steps] Get a working CMSSW environment

In order for the next steps to work, you need a working cmssw environment. You need to check out any CMSSW version available on the site. To determine which exist, do:

source $VO_CMS_SW_DIR/
scram list CMSSW

This returns a list of CMSSW versions. Just pick one and do:

cmsrel CMSSW_<version>                (replace<version> by the version you chose, eg: 10_6_29)
cd CMSSW_<version>/src

3. [CMS only] Extraction of your username from siteDB

For this, we are going to use crab3. Source the init script to enable crab3:

source /cvmfs/

then do:

crab checkusername

It should simply return your username.
If it doesn't work, make sure all the steps here have been followed.

4. Test write access to T2_BE_IIHE

  • For CMS users, again, using crab3:
crab checkwrite --site=T2_BE_IIHE

It should give you the following

 Checkwrite Result:
  Success: Able to write in /store/user/rougny on site T2_BE_IIHE

If it doesn't work and all previous steps are fine, then send us an email with your DN, we will make sure it matches what we have.

  • For everyone, you can try writing a file in your /pnfs directory:
gfal-copy file:///user/$USER/mytestfile srm://$USER/
where MYEXPERIMENT is either cms, icecube or solid .

For more grid commands to manipulate files, please read this page

You should now be able to submit grid jobs ! Congratulations !!
And that's the end of the story ...