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On this page, we explain how to publish gap with the EMI3 apel.

Where to find the results of the apel sync tests ?

These results are available here.

How to activate the gap publisher ?

Log in on apel and modify the config file /etc/apel/client.cfg following the explanations given in commented lines :

# Which records to send:
# latest - just send the new records to the server
# gap    - send records from between the specified dates (inclusive)
#          this is only for individual job records
# all    - send all records to the server.  Don't do this for individual
#          job records without talking to the apel team! 
interval = latest
## only used if interval = gap
#gap_start = 2012-01-01
#gap_end = 2012-01-31

So, let's say that there is a gap in April 2014. We must the change the config so that it contains :

interval = gap
gap_start = 2014-04-01
gap_end = 2014-04-30

Then, you can just wait for the apelclient to be started by cron, or you can run it manually with the following command :

date --iso-8601=seconds --utc; /usr/bin/apelclient) >> /var/log/apelclient.log 2>&1

When it's done, don't forget to put back interval to 'latest' and to comment gap_start and gap_end.


If you need more info, you can always read the EGI documentation about APEL :

